Content Development

Your story is what your clients connect with. Let us help make it stronger.

The Member Firm Content Program focuses on writing content to tell your story. Great content builds confidence and trust in the firm’s services, while providing legitimacy, transparency, and knowledge so that meaningful relationships can be fostered to serve the client’s needs.

Our Goals for Your Website

  1. To increase trust and provide useful information to advisor network
  2. To provide validation of your firm’s capabilities, as well as to educate and inform policyholders.
  3. To retain multi-generational clients (member retention and loyalty).

Process, features, insights that support website goals:


Include photos, names and relevant experience.



Quotes from real customers and partners (“trusted by…”) or accolades that speak to firm’s presence in community.


Office location, emails and phone numbers offer personal attention.


Articles or blogs that highlight industry expertise that speaks to client’s pain points with brief summary for easy reading.


Showcase industry knowledge and firm culture by linking to top social media platforms.


Describe the firm’s unique approach to customer service.

Content Development Tiers:

Features Standard Enhanced Premium
 Best For: A quick, easy content upgrade A customized company’s story A refresh of company’s story and services
Cost to Member Firm $0 $1,500 $3,000
Discover Interviews 0 2 3
Voice & Tone 2 options 2 options Custom
About Us Page Content 2 options Custom Custom
Pre-drafted Bio Templates 2 options Custom Custom
Home page intro content
Home page services summary
Custom services page content
Additional options Available on last page

With over 155 Member Firms, M Financial Group recognizes the need for each firm to find and establish their own content marketing voice, while still offering consistent language around the products and services of M Financial Group.

We have developed the Content Program to provide a guiding reference for Member Firm website and marketing content. Included is an overarching content strategy, personas, and customizable templates for company and staff bio descriptions. These tools give you a head start on creating great content.

Additional Information:

Project Scope Details – Standard Content Option

The Standard offers two copy templates. The content is based on a strategy developed from a composite of Member Firms. This strategy resulted in copy that clearly communicates what distinguishes M Financial Member Firms from the competition. Additionally, this content is offered with a choice of two distinct tones-of-voice, Professional or Business Casual, to best reflect your firm’s personality.

Cost: Free to Member Firms who are part of the Website Program.
Discovery: Already completed, based on interviewing Member Firms, Centers of Influence, and Member Firm clientele to develop a composite of the M Financial Member Firm.
Voice and Tone: Choose from preformed options of Professional or Business Casual
Feedback Rounds: No revision rounds, content templates are provided that best suit your firm’s voice and tone.

Project Scope Details – Enhanced Content Option

The enhanced option starts with the knowledge and insight gathered in for the standard tier, then goes a step further to uncover your Firm’s unique story, making sure it’s told the right way.

Cost: $1,500 paid by Member Firm
Discovery1–2 interviews with Member Firm
Voice and Tone: Choose from two M pre-approved styles
Feedback Rounds: 1 feedback round is included in-scope. Additional revisions are priced as Content Add-Ons

Project Scope Details – Premium Content Option

The premium option focuses on your Firm’s story and services. The goal is to make sure all the “About Us” and “Services” content uniquely represents your Firm.

Cost: $3,000 paid by Member Firm
Discovery: 3 interviews with Member Firm
Voice and Tone: Develop custom voice and tone
Feedback Rounds: 1 feedback round is included in-scope. Additional revisions are priced as Content Add-Ons

The pen is mightier than the sword

Contact your M Financial Business Analyst to get started.